*Welcome to my Garden



By entering in my garden..you enter also in a fantasy world. The page that follows this one will place you into my virtual garden where a treasure has been hidden. We shall see if you are a good hunter ;-)


*Gardening is one of my hobbies.....I like seeding, planting flowers and vegetables....to look them growing...to smell their perfume and to admire their beauty. God needs our eyes to appreciate the beauty of his creation! It requires a lot of hard work but my garden looks very beautiful!

* The text below has not been written by myself...I found it during my surfing. I found it nice and I thought it was a good idea to share it with you.


Gardening as a healing experience.

by Sarah M. Andrews.

There was a time when I thought happiness wasn't for me. I hated my life, without knowing there was anything wrong with feeling that way. A stack of self help books gave me a vague sense that things were not right, that I shouldn't feel trapped and beaten down before I was out of bed in the morning, that I shouldn't be getting headaches at work every day.

One or two of those books even asserted that challenging, satisfying work is essential for happiness, but what could I do? Working in a windowless, sterile building, raising rodents for research might have been part of the problem, but I wasn't going to leave the safety of that job. Better to be stifled and employed, I thought, than free and poor.

Then, two years ago, things began to change. I finally became too frustrated to go on as I was, letting headaches and depression control my life. I found a landscaping job from a newspaper ad, started there in March. That job changed my life. I saw sunshine. I didn't feel locked up all the time. I heard birds calling, caught frogs and snakes, got my hands in the dirt every day.

I suddenly wanted to get out of bed in the mornings. I dreamed about work, and the dreams were good, no more giant rats chasing me. I began to come into a new sense of peace, a sense of my life settling into place, of myself becoming the person I was meant to be. I remember one day in particular, that October, when I was on a job, spading up a new bed. The shovel sank into packed earth, and I pulled back, lifted up, turning the soil to loosen it. Warmth spread through my arms and back and legs, telling me my body appreciated the activity.

A hundred yards away there was a stand of tulip poplars, in their bright autumn yellow, arrows of flame reaching up and up into a perfect blue sky. I thought then, This is my life, mine, and the voice in my head was amazed. Life used to look so bleak, and I thought that was just the way life was; hard, colorless, confined. In the garden I was learning how wrong I'd been.

Satisfaction, wholeness, were new things to me. I never thought that one day I would look around at my life and like what I saw. The good stuff was something I would read about in books, always happening to other people.

But on those sunny afternoons, with dirt under my nails and the feel of autumn in the air, I began to see that the good stuff could happen to me.

I've been at it for two years now, and I'm still learning. There are days when work is just work and I need a vacation, but there are many more days when I'm fully present to what is happening in and around me.

I feel alive, as I never have before. I see hope growing where I once kept my cynicism. I step outside every morning and continue to feel amazed and thankful that this is my life.


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Are you ready to seach for that treasure?.....but please don't make a mess in the house....I don't like to clean up!!!

Don't forget to click everywhere!



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Original music "Suductress" composed by Tom Williams III,

Copyright © 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission

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