Come a kid today!

Give yourself a gold star for everything you do today.
Dot all your "i's" with smiley faces
Sing into your hairbrush
Grow a milk moustache
Smile back at the man in the moon
Read the funnies then throw the rest of the paper away
Dunk your cookies
Ask someone if their refrigerator is running
Play a game where YOU make up the rules as you go along
Order with eyes that are bigger than your stomach
Pretend your bread rolls are dancing
Step carefully over sidewalk cracks...poor mom
Change into some play clothes
Try to get someone to trade you a better sandwich
Have a staring contest with your dog
Eat ice cream for breakfast
Kiss a frog just in case
Give someone a "hug-around-the-neck"
Blow the wrapper off a straw
Refuse to eat crusts
Make a face the next time someone tells you & NO"
Watch TV in your pj's
Ask "WHY?" alot
Believe in fairy tales
Have someone read you a story
Eat dessert first
Do a cartwheel
Sneak some frosting off a cake
Refuse to back down in a "did...did-not" argument
Hide your vegetables under your napkin
Stay up past your bedtime
Whatever you are doing...stop once in a while for recess
Wear red sneakers
Put way to much sugar on your cereal
Make that "slurpy"sound when you get to the bottom
of your drink....
Find some pretty stones and save them
Play a song you like really loud, over and over
Walk barefoot in wet grass
Stick your head out the window and say "moooo"
when you see a cow
Make cool screeching sounds when you turn a corner
Fuss a little then take a nap
Count the colors in a rainbow
Giggle a lot for no reason
Eat dinner at the coffee table
Stir ice cream flavors together
Wear a ball cap backwards
Enjoy your all time favorite candy bar
Say "duh" when stuff is obvious
Go to the zoo
Whistle the theme from your favorite tv show
Put an orange slice in your mouth, inside out,
and "SMILE" at people
Remember to say your prayers
Squish some mud between your toes
Sing the "I see London, I see France" song
Eat peanut butter right out of the jar
Write your sweeties initials on the sidewalk in chalk
Wave to the train engineer
Run thru the sprinkler with your clothes on
Catch lightning bugs in a jar
Skip a stone across a pond
Eat cereal any old time ya want
Make someone laugh when they start to take a
drink of something
Chew bubble gum
Ask to be excused
Talk to your invisible friend
Finger paint and make a really BIG mess
Get the giggles and laugh till it hurts
Make your own special hideout with a sheet draped
over 2 chairs
Try to get a truck driver to blow his horn using arm motions
Roller skate in your basement
Ask for money when you hear the ice cream man's music
Drink water and act intoxicated
Play cops and robbers on your bike with a friend
Hug a teddy bear
Stare at the moon tonight and make a wish!

Come on...its never to late
to "be a Kid"

Back to what life is