Throughout the ages man has struggled with the subject of right and wrong, ethics and justice.
The dictionary defines ethics as "the study of the general nature of morals and the specific moral choices made by an individual in his relationship with others." The same dictionary defines justice as "conformity to moral right, truth or fact, or the administration of law." As you can see these terms have become confused. To clarify these definitions is the first step towards a solution. From there we go forward to a workable technology for each. Ethics consists of the actions an individual takes on for ones self.It is an entirely personal thing. When one is ethical or, "has his ethics in," it is by ones own determinism and is done by ones self. Justice is the action taken on the individual by the group when one fails to take actions for himself. Ethics are so instinctive to an individual that when he goes off the rails, he will always seek to overcome his own lack of ethic.He knows he has an ethics "blind spot" the moment he develops it and will try to put ethics in on himself. All too often however his reactivity is triggered and without the know-how to correct the condition analytically, he handles it by "mocking up Justifiers." He tends to believe or pretend that something was done to him and that prompted or justified his misdeed. At this point his downhill slide begins. The automatic reactions of defense is the mechanism which sends him down the cute. Once on his way down, and with no know-how to climb out he'll "cave-in" directly and deliberately. To cave-in means a mental, and or physical collapse to the extent that the person can not function causatively. One caves-in because, in an effort to restrain himself from committing more harmful acts, he starts withdrawing and withholding himself from the area he has harmed. One will become less and less able to influence this condition and thus becomes a victim of his own making. Note here that one must have done to others those things which others now seem to have power to do to him.
He is in a position to be injured and he loses control. He can become a zero point of influence and a vacuum for trouble. Applying ethics know-how may feel unpalatable at first, but when you are burdened down with guilt, the release of secretes brings rapid relief. Everyone has an infinite ability to survive. How well one accomplishes this is depended on how well one applies ethics to life. Ethics consists basically of rationality towards the highest level of survival for the individual, family, group, mankind and the environment collectively. Ethic is reason and the smartest solution to any problem is that solution which creates the greatest good for the greatest number. Any solution that falls short of this model contains weaker reasoning. For example, there was an island where infanticide became the ruling passion. There was limited food resources and so population culling was the chosen solution. Abortion was used and when that failed infants were killed. There family and tribal dynamics collapsed and the whole society was all but extinguished. These actions were desperate and irrational, overtly destructive and of course grossly out ethics. Ethical actions are survival actions. Know that the fundamental principal of existence is SURVIVE! Do not make the mistake of under estimating the value of this understanding! Survival is not merely the barest necessities of life, it is a graduated scale with pain and death at the bottom and immortality at it's top. You will be pleased to learn (contrarily to popular belief) that man is basically good. The fundamental personality and intent of an individual towards ones self and others is good. When one finds himself committing too many evils, then knowingly, unconsciously or unwittingly he'll put ethics in on him self by self destruction. He can do this without assistance from anyone else at all. This is why a criminal leaves clues at the scene of a crime, why others develop incapacitating illnesses and why some cause for themselves accidents. The thief leaves clues in the subconscious hope that someone will stop him from harming others. Similarly, the person who incapacitates himself with illness or incident lessens his ability to harm others. When one is being intentionally evil, there is still the urge to stop ones self. He'll suppress himself directly or failing that, it's done on a subconscious level. This behavior is a hostility thrown back at ones self and is maddening for ones self and others. Evil, illness, misfortune, and decay go hand in hand, all are the fruits of ones misdeeds! Man is basically good.He does not want to harm himself or others. When harm is done he may destroy himself in an effort to save the other. On this is hung the concepts of right and wrong. Good is considered to be constructive and promotes survival. Evil is destruction and causes harm. Anything is unreasonable or evil which brings about destruction of the individual, others, and the environment, or inhibits the future of our collective well-being. Keeping ones word once pleaded is an issue of ethic, since one is trusted, but only so long as one is true to ones self and others. To the weak, cowardly, dishonest and irrational, the harming of others and the blighting of there hopes seem to be the only way to conduct life. Unethical conduct is the conduct of destruction and fear.Lies are told because one is afraid of the consequences should one tell the truth. Destructive acts often occur out of fear. A liar is inevitably a coward. The sexually promiscuous woman, the man who breaks faith with his friend, the covetous pervert are all dealing with such non-survival terms that degradation and misery are all part and parcel of their lives. It's quite usual, even acceptable to some to live in this society with thieves, perverts and deception. Well, I say it is not acceptable or necessary. It is possible to live happy, prosperous and enriched lives, it begins where you are. To break faith with yourself is to court grave danger for yourself, and others. So listen wisely to your sense of conscious.
Hold firmly to integrity and ideals. In honesty there is clean power. It permits the manifestation of good and happy lives.