Love is the most important thing in our lives and the source of most of our come? Because most of the time our love is conditioned by our belief system. We think that in order to feel anothers love they must do things to prove it. When we feel love for somebody this person must correspond to criteria. We got used to love under conditions...Love IS UNCONDITIONAL! Why do most of the people have troubles in their relationships?...because love frightens them. They think that if they open themselves completely to love..they will lose their if freedom and love was like oil and water...incompatible! I believed that myself during several years ...until I understood that the sense of freedom was not depending on something or on somebody. The sense of freedom comes from inside. My first wedding finished by a divorce..I don't consider that as a failure anymore..just like an experience which permitted me to see which behavior generated disharmony and which created harmony. When I met Christian, I promised to myself to be very watchful, and to not make the same mistakes again. Life teaches you..and if you don't retain its lessons, it will present you the same ones again and again until you understand the messages and until you change something into yourself. Christian and I have been living together for 14 years now. Our partnership is successful. We feel free in our relationship. We tried to make a list of the reasons why this relationship is successful:
- We have a deep respect for our differences instead of fighting against them. (He is not interested by computers and internet. I am! And I can tell you that I spent an incredible amount of hours on my computer. It is not a problem if one of us can have pleasure without the other one
- We never try to convince the other one if we do not have the same idea about a subject. We have understood that it is not because you think a certain way that it is not right for the other to think differently.
- We are not afraid to speak about all kinds of feelings we could have...communication is one of the keys for a successful partnership ! and we are not afraid to show us exactly as we are masks anymore.
- We got rid of all those ideas such must do that....and women that...I don't like to cook...he does...If he loses a button from a shirt...he sews it himself.
Well...I could add more...but I will stop here. If you want to know more...or if you want some counsel I am at your disposal...e-mail me. I wish to all of you, who maybe seek for a partner, to have the opportunity to live such a relationship as we do! Back to |