EFB DesignsWeb development
EFB DesignsAbout


Welcome to Eye For Beauty which has been created to fulfill a passion for graphics and also to help you to give your business a home on the Internet.

Yes, a web site is vital to keep the public informed of your products and services; as well as inviting back previous customers for special offers or events. It doesn't have to be boring. First impressions mean everything and I believe that a special "touch" may help you to attract even more people to your place.

I offer web design services aimed to provide small businesses internet presence with that special touch and at a very affordable cost. I am proud to offer top quality services with an experience and a working knowledge of the latest technologies and being able to incorporate them into the web sites where necessary, so my clients are afforded a very competitive advantage.

Do you wish to make your voice heard all over the net? Is the HTML world too mysterious for you? I offer my services not only to business people but also to individuals who wish to build a personal web site.

I can help anyone to create a space with beautiful graphics, including images, logos, banners, backgrounds, and more, all with the goal to making your place look great. I can also maintain your web site, even if I did not develop or design it.

If you would be interested to know more about who is behind the scene, you may visit the personal section of this site. There are some outstanding art galleries in there!                           

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